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3rd & 4th Grade

Public·5 members

Both the 1st/2nd grade classroom and the 3rd/4th grade classroom will need to be nut-free this school year.

This means that the snack you pack for students in 1st through 4th grade needs to be nut-free.  This includes peanuts, tree nuts, and peanut butter.  Please read ingredient labels, especially on granola bars.  

Please note that ONLY snack and Birthday treats need to be nut-free.  Your child in 1st-4th grade can still bring to school nuts/peanut butter in their lunch because the cafeteria will not be nut-free.  There will be a separate nut-free table for those with allergies, and also for anyone who wants to join them, and has a nut-free lunch.

For 8/25/22 Thursday, please provide your children with a picture of their favorite saint, A family photo, and any sort of tickers or pictures of their favorite activities, pets, food, etc, for a project to help introduce them to the class


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