Welcome To Saint Augustine School, Inc
Preparing students for success with a Classical Curriculum free of Common Core and rooted in the Traditional Catholic Faith
Our Core Values
SAS loves and praises all the traditional practices of the Catholic Faith; the recitation of the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Divine Office, the Stations of the Cross, the Angelus, the reception of the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of the Son of God on the tongue while kneeling (Pope Benedict XVI stated on 22 May 2009, "We Christians kneel before the Blessed Sacrament because, therein, we know and believe to be the presence of the One True God."), acts of penance and mortification, the veneration of images and relics of the Saints, and Latin in the liturgy.
SAS recognizes its spiritual custodial duty of establishing an authentic Catholic environment within which the souls of its students, cooperating with Divine Assistance to secure their salvation, may grow in holiness and be preserved from the diabolical enticements of Satan. SAS strives to produce the “true Christian … the supernatural man who thinks and acts constantly and consistently in accordance with right reason illumined by the supernatural light of the example and teaching of Christ” (Pope Pius XI, Christian Education of Youth).
Classical Catholic Education
Saint Augustine School, Inc. is a private and independent K-12 school with a traditional Catholic philosophy and Classical liberal arts curriculum. SAS strives for excellence in faith, tradition, discipline, and scholarship, leading its students to understand it is their responsibility to serve as God’s representatives, executing His will in all areas of life.
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